Propeller House

弦巻の家 旗竿敷地

(c) Takumi Ota

(c) Haruki Sato

  • 竣工年: 2014
    設計: flathouse
    所在地: 東京都世田谷区


    The floor, which is divided into four sections in plan and nine in section, is connected like a rotating propeller, allowing light and wind to be delivered to the entire building.
    Land continues to be subdivided into smaller lots in residential areas in Tokyo. When land is subdivided and sold, so-called flagpole sites always appear.
    Flagpole sites are surrounded by neighbouring houses and at first glance appear to be a difficult place to live, but as long as light and air flow throughout the house, it can provide a calm living environment away from the road.
    In this house, the flagpole site, which was created after the land was subdivided, was further divided into four parts and vertically into eight floors within the framework of a two-storey building.
    Furthermore, without breaking the two-storey framework, an underfloor storage room and a roof terrace were added, so that nine different levels of floors are developed within a single house.
    The partition walls were eliminated and the floor thickness was made as thin as 150 to allow for large gaps between floors, allowing light and air to spread evenly across the nine floors and creating a living environment that does not feel claustrophobic.