The Garden Nakameguro

THE GARDEN 中目黒 共同住宅

(c) Takumi Ota

  • 竣工年  :2009年
    設計   :flathouse
    所在地  :東京都目黒区
    敷地面積 :225.57m2
    建築面積 :132.81m2
    延床面積 :360.75m2


    Nakameguro is the most popular town for young people in Tokyo. We were approached to build an apartment block for singles in Nakameguro, not far from the station.
    The living area of communal housing for singles tends to be small, but we have created a living environment that feels larger than it actually is by providing every unit with its own balcony and large openings to make it brighter. In addition, the water areas are glazed with a milky-white gradient film, which blocks the view from inside the rooms, but also allows light to spread into the washrooms and bathrooms.
    The building volume is set back from the front road in two levels to avoid intimidating the surrounding environment, while the rooftop created by the setback is used as a roof balcony that can be freely used by each dwelling unit. Furthermore, a small green belt has been created between the building and the road in front and behind the building, which not only contributes to the surrounding environment but also gently hides the view from the road to the first-floor units. In the future, the two set-back roof balconies will also be planted with many plants by the residents, making this a communal residence worthy of the name ‘garden’.