Little Valley House

little valley house 二世帯住宅

(c) Takumi Ota

  • 竣工年  :2012年
    設計   :flathouse
    所在地  :東京都
    敷地面積 :97.80m2
    建築面積 :63.15m2
    延床面積 :145.80m2


    A two-family house planned in a quiet residential area.
    We worked with the client couple from the beginning of the land search. We were lucky enough to find a plot of land where a beautiful cubic three-storey house could be built, and the planning began. The idea here was to design a way of connecting the two households. The two households should not always be separated, but it would also be tiring for both households to be in a constant state of connection. Therefore, while the structure is based on the parent household on the first floor and the child household on the second and third floors, a courtyard and a library facing the courtyard were inserted in the centre of the building as a shared space between the two households. In this way, the parent household can visit the courtyard and the storeroom without passing through the space of the child household. The library and living room are located through the courtyard, so that the two households can come into contact with each other in a very natural way from a short distance away. The courtyard is built into the volume above the second floor, and the floor is covered with turf, creating a feeling of envelopment, as if you were in a small mountain valley. We hoped that the couple, their parents and their children, who will grow up in the future, would enjoy a natural connection through this small valley-like courtyard and the library.